Sunday, 1 April 2012

Interview with Diner Dudes

Sorry we've not posted in a while, we're working on something very very special for you lot! So here's something special to keep you going... til the next something special... still following? no? fair enough. 

Today's interview was with Tyler from Diner Dudes, an 'adult pop' band from Arizona...

So, seeing as you lovely lot have been waiting nearly a week for this, let's cut to the interview... here it is! enjoy!

How and when did the band form?
After quitting a band that I had been in for years, I had a very unsuccessful attempt as a solo performer under the name Diners. After an embarrassing first show, a good friend of mine offered to play bass and help get things moving. Since then, we've been writing and recording songs together! This started late in 2011.

Who are the bands musical influences?
The bands we geek out about most are: Key Losers, The Beach Boys, Lake, The Magnetic Fields, Filardo, Destroyer, The Flaming Lips, and IJI.

How did you come up with the band name?
Not much of a story behind the name, just something that we like written out and spoken. We hardly visualize an actual 'diner' when we think of our band name. 

What was the best gig you’ve ever played?
We really haven't played out much, but our best show so far happened to be with some of biggest influences: IJI, Filardo, and our sister band Dogbreth. Nothing insane or outrageous happened, just an overwhelming amount of friendship and love between everyone at the show. The show was also held at our favorite venue, The Trunk Space in Phoenix, Arizona, USA.

What was the worst gig you’ve ever played?
Our worst show was played just a few days ago, there was poor planning on the show and we didn't really fit in much with the other bands. Just weird vibes from everyone at the show, nothing disastrous. 

Which of your own tracks is your favourite and why?
'Good Friends' was the first song that Diners ever had which gives it a special place with us. It's typically the most fun to play live as well because of how many people sing along with us.

Is there a running theme throughout your lyrics or a certain message you try to put across through your music?
Lyrically, the themes are very basic. Learning, friendship, and personal growth. Diners is a strong supporter of DIY music/art culture.

What’s an average day in the recording studio consist of?
Goofing off, watching youtube videos, jumping around, recording and experimenting.

What band would you most like to tour with?
Good question! There's a few bands that come to mind! Our friend's bands: Filardo, Waytansea Point, IJI, and Dogbreth.

Where do you see yourself as a band in 5 years’ time?
Who knows what will happen months from now! If everything keeps going steady, we'll still be touring, and putting our own records.

Thanks Tyler!
Make sure to check them out! You can find them... here - and they've got two of their AWESOME tracks here -

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